Entering the Resident Assessment Form (RAF) Details




The Resident Assessment Form (RAF) page determines the patient's current level of clinical care requirements.


The RAF page is enabled for nursing homes and SPICE referrals only.

Entering the RAF Details:

Proceed as follows:

1   On the RAF tab, enter the details as described in the following table:



Each selection you make is associated with points that are added after you have completed the assessment. The points are displayed in the Total Points field.

Field Name



You can select the following service:

  • Independent
  • Requires some assistance (physical/assistive device)
  • Requires frequent assistance (physical/assistive device)

  • Requires total assistance (physical/assisting device)


You can select the following service:

  • Independent
  • Requires some assistance
  • Requires total assistance

  • Tube-feeding


You can select the following service:

    • Independent
    • Requires some physical assistance
    • Requires commodes / bedpans / urinals

    • Incontinent and totally dependent

Personal Grooming and Hygiene

You can select the following service:

    • Requires no assistance
    • Requires assistance for some activities/supervision

    • Requires assistance for all activities

    • Bed / trolley bathing


You can select the following service:

    • Daily Medication > Oral /Topical
    • Daily Medication > Oral /Topical
    • Daily Medication > Oral /Topical
    • Daily Medication > Oral /Topical

Social & Emotional Needs

You can select the following service:

    • Nil
    • Occasionally
    • Often
    • Always


You can select the following service:

    • Nil
    • Occasionally
    • Often
    • Always

Psychiatric Problems

You can select the following service:

    • Nil
    • Mild Interference in Life
    • Moderate Interference in Life
    • Severe Interference in Life

Behavioural Problems

You can select the following service:

    • Nil
    • Occasionally
    • Often
    • Always

In the latest RAF assessment date field, enter the date.

3 After completing the RAF page, in the Completed By section, by default, the information of the user logged into IRMS is populated. You can update the name, designation, telephone, email and date, if required.


   The information (name, telephone number and so on) is based on the details available in the logged-in user’s profile.
4  When the RAF page is ready, you can do one of the following:
  • Save – to save the RAF as draft.
    You may want to use the save option, if the page is partially completed or you do not want to submit it immediately.
  • Ready – to save and mark the draft as ready to submit (indicated by flag in orange).



The mandatory fields that are not entered properly are indicated with asterisks (**). A message is displayed on the top of the page to enter the required fields.

You cannot submit the page without completing the mandatory fields. Once the page is submitted (indicated by flag in green), you cannot modify the details.